Current Exhibitions
Our permanent exhibitions showcase Golden Bay’s Industrial Past – it gives an insight into the numerous industries which have formed the history of Golden Bay/Mohua – Flax (harakeke), timber, gold, asbestos, cement, iron, coal and many more….
Temporary Exhibition
CYMATICS & 76M – new works by Lil Hambrook (now – 31 January 2025)
Lil’s new artworks of Te Waikoropupu Springs and Farewell Spit on display in the Old Post Office building.

Bikes and Beer – Celebrating 30 years of Old Thumpers (now – 30 April 2025)
Pre 1980’s motor cross racing in Golden Bay Mohua that has been active for 30 years – read the story behind Old Thumpers, how it got its name, how it all started, and what’s happening now

Past Exhibitions
have you any idea? (1 December 2023 – 30 April 2024)
A selection of 22 objects from the museum collection.
We want you to go round the exhibition space and see
how many you can identify.
Do you know the name of the object?
Do you know what it is used for?
Do you know how old it is?
kātoitoi = response (1 December 2023 – 30 April 2024)
Art interpretations from Golden Bay/Mohua artists.
Golden Bay/Mohua artists were asked to kātoitoi/respond to iconic works of art which had either been created in or referenced Golden Bay/Mohua. The artists were able to respond using any medium they chose. Artists involved in the exhibition are; Jocelynne Bacci, Chris Finlayson, Philly Hall, Lollokiki, Deb Price, Kathy Reilly, Elaine Robinson, Robin Slow, Sarah Thomas, Lisa van der Meer, Paul Winspear.
Keeping in Touch (4 December 2022 – 30 April 2023)
There have been 35 post offices in Golden Bay/Mohua since the first ones opened in 1856, each one opening where a new settlement started. By following the reasons for each settlement (coal mining, gold mining, sawmilling, farming etc) you could follow the history of Golden Bay/Mohua through its post offices. Maps and photographs of these post offices were on display as well as one of the oldest envelopes addressed to Massacre Bay and what could be the tiniest letter and envelope sent through the postal system.
Te Awhi Rito (1 July 2022 – 31 October 2022)
Showcasing the raranga of local group Te Awhi Rito

Kokowai– (10 December 2021 – 30 April 2022)
This exhibition was a collaboration of three exceptionally talented artists from Te Tau Ihu; Brian Flintoff, Robin Slow and Bob Bickerton, who have created this display specifically for Golden Bay/Mohua.
The display was a collection paintings and taonga puoro carvings which spoke about the legends of local taniwha and the significance of the red ochre kokowai.
Wāhine – (11 July 2020 – 8 August 2020)
This exhibition showcased the personal stories from five Māori women, Wāhine combines candid interviews, soundscapes and portrait photography to present a series of unique meditations on being a woman in Māori culture. You can listen to the podcasts of these stories at
We wish Loren Pasquier all the best for her future plans for this exhibition.

The Body Snatchers – A Fairy Tale? (June 2019-April 2020)
The installation tells a story of understanding and co-operation.
It explores the account of some Norwegian flax traders that drowned at the Motupipi Inlet almost 200 years ago.
If you would like the opportunity to display this installation in your Museum or Gallery please contact the artist Toy Murchie – at Sculpture705 Art Lollokiki

Farewell Spit-Onetahua Exhibition (Summer 2016/17)
Farewell Spit-Onetahua is a magnet for birds and visitors to Golden Bay/Mohua — the exhibition gave an oversight to this unique landform and its spiritual significance for tangata whenua.

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