At the AGM on 26 June, members of the museum society re-appointed seven Board members and appointed one new member. The 8 Board members for the 2016/17 year are: Clive Bird, Geoff Rennison, Jenny Treloar, Leigh Gamby, Pat Ballard, Penny Griffith, Robin Manson, Robin Riley. A Tasman District Council (TDC) representative will be named following the local government elections in October.
When the new Board held its first meeting on 13 July they re-elected Penny Griffith as Chairperson (and Acting Treasurer) and Pat Ballard as Secretary.
One of the major items on the agenda was whether the Board had a view on the retention of the Grandstand at the showgrounds, which has become a vigorous community debate following the council’s decision to demolish it. With two abstentions, the Board decided to write to TDC saying they are in favour of the Grandstand being retained. The letter was presented to a TDC committee meeting on 14 July, being written up in the Nelson Mail: