Re-creating the Heemskerck

Heemskerck--Mail--20 Dec 2014

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One Response to Re-creating the Heemskerck

  1. Eric H Hill says:

    I had no idea that you also had a model builder with the enthusiasm to build the Heemskerck to a large scale. I have done this also (1.18) having used the same plans. Until I saw a photo in a museum at Whitanga I thought the only other models were at the Auckland Maritime Museum. My model took four years and ended up 2.5 meters high and about the same high. I’m also a semi professional photographer and plan to spend time in Golden Bay soon. Looking forward to seeing Ron’s model. I live on Cambridge and have as yet not offered the ship for display but will have to as it joins a stable of six other models and room is a major problem. I don’t think I can attach a pic here but if you are interested in a reply I can attach a pic. Thanks and well done Eric Hill.

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