Newsletter, January 2017



 Abel Tasman 374 at the Museum, 18 December 2016



Yes, a naked whalery! At last, after 3 months, the safety fence has gone — and doesn’t it look good?  Just a small amount of finishing work inside and some initial landscaping work and then we’ll be able to  use it. That feels great!  The whale skeleton arrival and formal opening will take place in early January, and we’re grateful for the assistance of Manawhenua ki Mohua in preparing display information.



 PAST HISTORY … to remind us how far we’ve come!

The end of September brought some great news for our Whalery fundraising. Pub Charity donated the cost of the special UV-resistant glass ($3241), and TDC has covered the cost of the new decking ($1760), and is also going to do the landscaping. We’re very grateful.

Those two donations mean that ALL the basic construction costs are now covered. What a relief! Thank you everyone for your support. We are still gently fundraising to cover “extras” like information panels, and installing the skeleton itself, probabimg_3529-10-oct-largely in late December.  So, if you’d like to help with that part, we’d be very grateful. And yes, donations over $5 are still tax-deductible. 
Since the windows and doors went in, from the street it looks as if not much is happening. But inside, the wiring and insulation is in, and the gib-board is going up. So, just a bit of plastering and sanding, and some painting inside and out, but not long now until it’s handed over. It’s quite emotional after 2+ years of planning and fundraising. It’ll be great to let everyone enjoy it.

Thank you Golden Bay Community Board for your generous decision this week to grant a further $2000 to our Whalery project.  You gave us your vote of support (and $1000!) right at the start of our vision in July 2014. Now, at the end of your term, you’ve given us a wonderful boost as we head towards our target — just a $1500 gap to cover the essentials … it’s feeling a bit of a miracle.

Building progress has been great, too — here we are on 15 September, with the corrugated cladding going on!  And windows next Tuesday, maybe. It’s a real team effort.


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